Delegate: Mr. Kyrylo Beskorovayny
98. Mr. Beskoravayny (Ukraine), speaking as a youth delegate, said that, due to the unprecedented interconnectedness of all nations, individual States could not be indifferent to the problems of others. Speaking from his personal experience, the outcome of peaceful student protests in Ukraine had shown the impact that youth could have on society.
99. While global issues such as youth unemployment, gender equality and discrimination were important in Ukraine, safety concerns had changed the priorities of young Ukrainians, particularly those living in the occupied territories. Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) was particularly important in that regard as it recognized that, without protecting the lives and dignity of young people and engaging them on issues of peace and security, it was impossible to build lasting peace.
100. In summer 2016, youth delegates had organized a volunteer project which provided them with an opportunity to communicate with over 1200 young people from across Ukraine, including the occupied territories. Ukraine’s diversity, multiculturalism and multilingualism benefitted both the country and its citizens.
101. Lastly, the international community must continue to protect and support young people, as well as increasing the representation of young people in decision-making at all levels in order to secure peace, and prevent and resolve conflicts.
UN Doc.: A/C.3/71/SR.3
Cite as:
UN Doc.: A/C.3/71/SR.3, 5 October 2016, p. 14, Youth Delegate Search:, doi: 10.17176/20221018-192849-0.