Delegate: Mr. Mohamed Rafee
47. Mr. Rafee (United Arab Emirates), speaking as a youth delegate, said that the best way to promote sustainable development was to bring together all segments of society, take into account the concerns of youth and include young people in the development process. Inclusivity was more important than ever in view of the large number of global challenges such as unemployment, extremist ideology, the increase in [*9*] terrorist acts, climate change and the deteriorating humanitarian situation. In confronting those challenges, it would be necessary to strengthen cooperation and communication with young people and find new and innovative methods of developing their capacities.
48. Empowering and assisting youth was not only a means of protecting them from poverty and extremism, but also was the best way to harness their energy. Quality education, vocational training and decent jobs were the key tools for empowering youth. The efforts that had been made by the Envoy of the SecretaryGeneral on Youth were welcome and reflected the commitment of the international community to empowering young people and enlisting their participation in creating a stable world. One initiative taken in the United Arab Emirates to empower youth consisted of youth workshops, where topics of interest to young people could be discussed. The first workshop had been held in April 2016 and had focused on how youth could acquire the skills of the future.
UN Doc.: A/C.3/71/SR.4
Cite as:
UN Doc.: A/C.3/71/SR.4, 5 October 2016, p. 8-9, Youth Delegate Search:, doi: 10.17176/20221018-192824-0.