Delegates: Ms. Bhunyanutch Kanjananon (Noot), Ms. Kantheera Tipkanjanarat
10. Ms. Kanjananon (Thailand), speaking as a youth delegate, strongly urged Member States to make the elimination of gender inequality and the empowerment of women and girls cross-cutting goals of the post-2015 agenda. Thailand was working hard to eliminate gender disparities through such measures as the establishment of the National Development Fund for Women , which provided low-interest loans for women in order to generate employment and income. Internationally, it was actively promoting the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders, known as the Bangkok Rules, and had produced a documentary film on that subject which would be screened as a General Assembly side event on 17 October. The educational marginalization of girls and the poor was still a predominant phenomenon indeveloping countries.
11. Ms. Tipkanjanarat (Thailand), speaking as a youth delegate, said that while all children in Thailand were entitled to receive 12 years of basic education, in practice they did not, owing to a lack of resources and qualified teachers, especially in remote areas. To improve the quality of education, her Government had launched Teach for Thailand, a programme that placed Thai university students in schools around Bangkok. Young people were both the reason and the means for development, and she and her fellow youth delegate pledged their commitment to promote social inclusion with the active participation of young people.
UN Doc.: A/C.3/68/SR.4
Cite as:
UN Doc.: A/C.3/68/SR.4, 4 November 2013, p. 3, Youth Delegate Search:, doi: 10.17176/20221018-193631-0.