
Canada – 2016

Delegates: Mr. Ahsan Syed, Ms. Dalia Tejeda Alix

68. Mr. Syed (Canada), speaking as a youth delegate, said it was important to recognize that the imagination, [*10*] energy and ideals of young people were vital for the continued development of society. In Canada, the Prime Minister had mandated a national focus on youth development, and a youth council had been established to advise on a range of national issues. He encouraged other countries to engage in such consultations and to engage youth at all levels. It was also important to foster an environment of equal opportunity for all youth in which there was zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind.

69. Ms. Tejeda-Alix (Canada), speaking as a youth delegate, said that the prosperity of a nation depended on the productivity and innovation of its workforce and, in turn, on the training of its youth. Partnerships between industry, government and the education sector must be forged to promote quality education, prepare young people for the workplace and support their entrepreneurial initiatives. Young people in Canada were fortunate to live in a society where rights were respected and the rule of law and the accommodation of differences prevailed. Canadian youth were motivated to work with their counterparts around the globe to ensure youth everywhere could thrive. They called on all youth to challenge their leaders, friends, colleagues and professors, as well as themselves.

UN Doc.: A/C.3/71/SR.3

Original Records

Cite as:
UN Doc.: A/C.3/71/SR.3, 5 October 2016, p. 9-10, Youth Delegate Search:, doi: 10.17176/20221018-192909-0.

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