Delegates: Ms. Lien Wyckmans (22 years), Mr. Joey Dellatte
State: Belgium
59. Ms. Wyckmans (Belgium), speaking as a youth delegate, said that youngsters were not always aware of the existence of children’s rights and human rights and hoped that one day they would have full and equal access to information on those rights and know where to seek help if their rights were violated. That would help empower young people faced with social, economic and environmental challenges. It had recently become possible for Belgian children to lodge a complaint with the Committee on the Rights of the Child if their rights were violated. She called on Governments and the United Nations to continue to work towards providing children and youth with information on exercising their rights. That should be done in a youth-friendly way, for example through the education system and social media.
60. The commitment to promoting the rights of young people expressed by the Secretary General and his Envoy on Youth should be reflected by a rightsbased approach in the post-2015 development agenda. While international developments were of great importance, much remained to be done at national level. Belgium welcomed the efforts of the United [*10*] Nations to continue to monitor the implementation of children’s rights and human rights.
61. Mr. Dellatte (Belgium), speaking as a youth delegate, said that the right to equality regardless of gender, gender identity or gender expression was very important for children and youth. Young people were protected under human rights legislation, but laws were not always fully implemented. Young girls and LGBT children and youth too often faced social barriers and exclusion at school and in youth movements. Building gender-equal societies was important because it was necessary for every child and young person to be involved in the creation of an open-minded and equal world. It was the responsibility of Governments to protect LGBT and other youth and inform them of their rights.
62. Schools in Belgium had included sexuality education in their curriculums, which was a positive start, but education should not be the only field of action. Young people also wanted a global political approach on the right to gender equality. He therefore welcomed the HeForShe campaign and work being done by the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union in that regard. Children and young people faced many difficulties during their transition into adulthood, especially during the current time of crisis. He called for assistance to be provided so that they could defend their rights.
UN Doc.: A/C.3/69/SR.3
Cite as:
UN Doc.: A/C.3/69/SR.3, 8 October 2014, p. 9, Youth Delegate Search:, doi: 10.17176/20221018-193434-0.