Delegate: Ms. Rainer
49. Ms. Rainer (Austria), speaking as a youth delegate, said that refugees were ordinary people escaping war, hunger or persecution. Member States could and should offer them the dignified life that they deserved. Fences were not a solution, for the wall that had once divided the European continent had only brought pain and violence. Member States must work together to find common ground on a global solution that preserved the values of the Charter of the United Nations. The solidarity currently being shown to the refugees in Austria made her proud to be Austrian. She dedicated her speech to the volunteers, many of them young people, who were stepping up to help refugees where the authorities were unwilling or unable to act.
UN Doc.: A/C.3/70/SR.2
Cite as:
UN Doc.: A/C.3/70/SR.2, 6 October 2015, p. 10, Youth Delegate Search:, doi: 10.17176/20221018-193307-0.